Seminar in Epigraphy and Papyrology during the winter semester

The winter semester is about to start in Warsaw and this is an exciting list of papers scheduled for the Warsaw Seminar in Epigraphy and Papyrology. The seminar is co-organized by our project together with the Faculty of Archaeology and the Faculty of History.

Venue and time: Faculty of Archaeology, room 2.06 Mondays, 4:45pm

List of papers:

7 October

Aleksander Wolicki (University of Warsaw)
Epigraficzne odzwierciedlenie damnatio memoriae cesarza Kaliguli. Kilka uwag na marginesie honoryfikacji C. Ummidiusa Durmiusa Quadratusa, CIL X 5182 = ILS 972

14 October

Lorena Pérez Yarza (University of Warsaw) Crossing Frontiers: The Adaptation of Levantine Cults in Roman Africa and the Danube

21 October

Tomasz Barański (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW) Muslim Holy Men of Old Dongola Based on Literary and Papyrological Sources

28 October Julia Borczyńska (University of Warsaw) Minus est quam martyr habetur. On the Foundations of Roman Presbyters at the Turn of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries in the Light of the Epigraphic Evidence

4 November

Joanna Porucznik (University of Opole) Consolation Decrees for Women and Children from Amorgos and Caria

18 November

Cornelia Römer To the Other Shore. Ferry Boats on Lake Qaroun

25 November

Wojciech Pietruszka (University of Wrocław) Independent or Not – Italian Augustales as “Businessmen” in the Light of the Epigraphic Evidence

2 December

Graham Claytor (University of Warsaw) A Peasant Family in Early Roman Egypt: The Archive of Harthotes

9 December

Martyna Świerk (University of Wrocław) Między Afryką a Rzymem. Społeczeństwo rzymskiej Kartaginy w świetle źródeł epigraficznych

16 December

Basem Gehad (Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities) Ancient Philadelphia Necropolis, Miniature of Alexandria in the Arsinoite Nome

13 January

Adam Pałuchowski (University of Wrocław) Kultura epigraficzna kreteńskiej Gortyny w starożytności

20 January

David Eibeck (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) The Digitalization of “Traditional” Epigraphic Editions with the EDEp-Frontend: The Inscriptions of Signia (Latium) for the Ephemeris Epigraphica Electronica