
Ta strona zawiera publikacje z rezultatami projektu.
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Projektowy Plan Zarządzania Danymi (DMP).
Agenda wydarzenia startowego.
Marina Bastero Acha, Il contributo delle digital humanities per un approcio allo studio dell'epigrafia Ispano-Romana, Collectanea Philologica, 47(2024), 307-322.
Paweł Nowakowski, The sarcophagus of Markia Ploteine and her sons from Kyzikos (SEG 62, 946): a case of an intricate ligature system, Travaux et Mémoires 28 (2024) [= Mélanges Denis Feissel édités par J. Aliquot, S. Destephen, A. Laniado & C. Saliou], 425-437.
Paweł Nowakowski, Lorena Pérez Yarza, Marina Bastero Acha, Julia Borczyńska, Andrés Rea, Stonecutters And Mosaicists at Work. Identifying Craftspeople and Their Workshops Through the Lens of Epigraphy (University of Warsaw, 30 November-1 December 2023), Marmora: International Journal for Archaeology History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stone, [w druku].
Paweł Nowakowski, [Review:] Anna M. Sitz: Pagan Inscriptions, Christian Viewers. The Afterlives of Temples and Their Texts in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2023. 352 S., 66 Illustrations (Cultures of Reading in the Ancient Mediterranean 2), Gnomon [w druku].
Ferit Baz, Paweł Nowakowski, Emre Macit, New Christian Inscriptions from Southeast Cappadocia, Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 10 (2024), 24-32.